Tutorial :)
*1: Pick any flower of your choice...
*2: Fill a 'VASE' with fluids of your choice...(ehem..)
*3: Put a flower in a 'VASE',or anything else u want...
A quick drawing, first time using this 'Pixie'-thingy. I wish it had 'Magic Wand' :c
After finishing this. I just realized that it sort of resembles C21JP game's bot design, like a mixture of plants, nature & furry, anthropomorphic animal-like shape of bots. With a comic,anime-like style. Very unique game.
Sad that it's grind & quest fest & it's in japanese. Love that game very much though... <3
P.S. Also it looks ugly as fack, this 64x64 size when it's stretched so much, blurry... Makes me slightly tipsy... :s