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He's made of jungle vomit, it smells real good...

KluorpiaLilia KluorpiaLilia
Ice-Fiend XCO771 (Ice-Magi)

Or a.k.a 'Ice-Magi' is an malevolent, old, solitary machine,android. (Origins unknown*).
Small in size, but capable of freezing entire continents & planets in just a week or so... And manufacturing H20-based machine entities mostly from just water & simple metallic parts & chips. Linked to 'Ice-Magi's central neural network. Manufactures machinery are capable of complex architectural work, mainly ice-based structures, with vast neural-network systems...
Noones knows how he's doing it, who he is & how he is capable of making complex,alive machines that most of them are just 95% simple H20... Rumors says that he has a rich, millenia-long knowledge & practice of natural magicks,occult & allegedly help from so called "Phantomo 66X" demi-god... That has been reporter galaxy-wide to "gift",bribe more evil-tempered individuals,nations.Gives them bizarre out-of-world technology. And before you know it, they become total power,blood hungry psychotics. Is it the power,spell & possession by this tech? Or maybe they've just been shown the unfathomable power that simply noone could ever resist..? Either way, noone knows anything about this "Ice-Magi" that has been causing immense damage & destruction for hundreds of years across several solar systems, many planets turned to desolate hive-mind machine systems, made of ice & wires...Anyone that tried to find more accurate information about him or even try to face him...Was never been heard or seen ever again...The only information source we have are rumors,witnesses & mainly ancient texts about this machine, mostly moving stories of tragic disappearances, that are painful one-way-ticket old tales, witness stories & investigations that just meets tragic dead-end...Even the death itself warmer to the touch than the Magi & it's old & cold wires...

KluorpiaLilia KluorpiaLilia
Crusty Smile

Lips soOo crusty, they turned to pebbles n' dirt, eugh... :c

KluorpiaLilia KluorpiaLilia

He's stuck to the surface of something, even melts, non-stop... But who cares, cuz that smile tho...

KluorpiaLilia KluorpiaLilia

...But nice hair tho... Made of bubbles...

KluorpiaLilia KluorpiaLilia
The Lion King

"Some say eat or be eaten
Some say live and let live"

KluorpiaLilia KluorpiaLilia