this comment section scares me
I am not gogggy stan, i dont even like briiishh people????/ beside, gogy said he is not gogy and name is george so stiop
i am not promotijg manipultatweh because e ben shapiro sasys factos ofver fellings r becaus ethen you sgoukd not be sad bc my picture is ugly that is feeling facts is that my picture is so good you shoukd stop talking because every word that you say you take a step closer to being a gogoy stan and you will ive a horrific like bc if you are a gogy stan you stan gogy i shure lov gogy gogy
you posted a pixcture 7very drawn bad7 of a smillleiey face and a caption saying drem go to jail, =((( You are hipoocrit ben shapiro told me so so, so you are promotig bad manipulatrion
this is making fun of dream going to prison you inconsiderate liberal dream is in prison and i am happy you probably support dream manipulateing minors and you think that you should kill mionors :(((
you are a dream stand