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Peashooter v2

I recolored it before the zombies ate my brains

StopMotionMania StopMotionMania
Peashooter 8-bit

The head is too dark, but the zombies are coming. Better hurry before they eat my brains

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32x32 Square Small


Sunflower 8-bit

Eat your veggies kids, it might save you one day!

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Snow Pea

Brrrr. The winter is finally over! I'll be out of hibernation, finally!

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Reapeater 8-bit

Dear Crazeh Daev, we herd u liek watchen Twitch Plaes Pokaymahns. We wanna cum ova and plae Twitch Plaes Pokaymahns with you. We haz no planz too reelees Burd Jeesuhs or aneh uv your Pokaymahns. Frum deh Zombees, wee also liek Twitch Plaes Pokaymahns. (Note: zombies cannot spell correctly, and I did not want to mess up the Peashooter's head.)

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