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As my name may or may not imply, I have an OC for pretty much everything you can think of. Seems pretty useless, but whatevz.


Dragon In It's Cave

Started out as a shield, evolved into a dragon. Simple as that.

TheOCMaster TheOCMaster
Warning: May hurt your eyes a bit

I call it Mesh, or something like that.

Many errors were made in this, and were promptly corrected.

I wasted 2 days on this. You're welcome.

TheOCMaster TheOCMaster

How funny is it that someone can spend hours trying to replicate what the original artist probably did at random.

TheOCMaster TheOCMaster
Dead Otto

Hmm, regular Otto is creepy enough, does blood help, I wonder?

TheOCMaster TheOCMaster
Evil Otto

Oh, the memories...

TheOCMaster TheOCMaster
TheOCMaster TheOCMaster TheOCMaster TheOCMaster