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Bonk Scene

A scene from Bonk's Adventure for TurboGrafx-16/TurboExpress, recreated.

Hawthorn Hawthorn
burpo90 burpo90 burpo90 burpo90 EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf burpo90 burpo90 xpierrotx xpierrotx 8-BITart 8-BITart ann_toschi ann_toschi ann_toschi ann_toschi xpierrotx xpierrotx xpierrotx xpierrotx
weirder companion cube

would have been much better with 1 more row

xpierrotx xpierrotx
xpierrotx xpierrotx xpierrotx xpierrotx xpierrotx xpierrotx xpierrotx xpierrotx snc1112 snc1112 snc1112 snc1112 snc1112 snc1112 snc1112 snc1112 EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf giozerfullon giozerfullon jamzplatz jamzplatz jamzplatz jamzplatz Toxic209 Toxic209 jamzplatz jamzplatz Joseph Joseph agenciacriatorio agenciacriatorio agenciacriatorio agenciacriatorio agenciacriatorio agenciacriatorio agenciacriatorio agenciacriatorio june june ann_toschi ann_toschi ann_toschi ann_toschi DanielXMoore DanielXMoore EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf Seiki0403 Seiki0403 Seiki0403 Seiki0403 explodedkittens explodedkittens NIKOtheGREAT-ER NIKOtheGREAT-ER NIKOtheGREAT-ER NIKOtheGREAT-ER MartyInTehSkyWithUnicorns MartyInTehSkyWithUnicorns MartyInTehSkyWithUnicorns MartyInTehSkyWithUnicorns jayjay36 jayjay36 Toxic209 Toxic209 EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf virgored virgored EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf Spriter2000 Spriter2000 bm bm macylytle macylytle macylytle macylytle macylytle macylytle macylytle macylytle macylytle macylytle macylytle macylytle EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf EpicBeowulf