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PriMANio PriMANio
Second Robotic Siege Teaser (Finished)

You’ve come to OUR territory and destroyed countless of our machines, who knows how many times, wrecked our Powerplant and it’s guard, and you’ve even destroyed it’s backup, but now. Now it’s our turn... Also I forgot the exhausts

PriMANio PriMANio
PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio
Robotic Siege Teaser (Truly Finished)

“Something doesn’t feel right...”

PriMANio PriMANio
PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio
Voltage Scrap (Finished)

Yo I gotta make sure that this isn't too similar to another sprite.

PriMANio PriMANio
PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio PriMANio
30x28 Small


Robotic Siege Teaser 2 (Redux)

Realized that I didn’t have to recreate how the robot would looked, but could create something that incorporated it’s elements, which is what I did, lazily tho. Also this isn’t actually the intended design

PriMANio PriMANio
