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zhecka2314 zhecka2314
Time Mario

Shoot 2 clock hands at an angle on screen to damage enemies. 4 clock hands may be on screen at once. Hold the attack button and release to slow down everything on screen except for the player(s). The screen will be very lightly tinted purple, and you cannot slow down time until the tint fades away.

StopMotionMania StopMotionMania
Guts Mario

Pick up blocks and throw at enemies. The bricks split on contact and hit enemies as well, but don't do as much to bosses. Your ground pound will create a small shock wave and reveal hidden blocks. You can defeat Thwomps with this attack.

StopMotionMania StopMotionMania
Cut Mario

Throw a powerful Pac-Man like scissor that returns to you. You can easily defeat weapon based/electrical enemies with 1 hit.

StopMotionMania StopMotionMania
"Mega" Mario

Fire up to 3 lemons on your screen. You can charge your buster to launch a giant Podoboo that destroys bricks and deals more damage to bosses. You can now slide as well!

StopMotionMania StopMotionMania
Denis Denis
Tanooki Mario

When Mario grabs the Tanooki Suit he turns into this. He has the ability to fly, spin, and turn to stone !

Goomba Goomba
32x32 Square Small
