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I AM TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!! I LOVE THE COLOR PINK AND I LOVE HEARTS!!!!!!! GO MARIO AND PRINCESS PEACH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE BOOKS AND YAY GRIFFINDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fun and Random

This is just a fun little thing I made that actually hurts your eyes if you stare at it too long. I chose these colors because they are my favorites!!!

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Heart of tears

this sprite is actually a heart with water/tears filling it up. please do not remake or copy.

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Please do not edit or copy. to see the illusion enlarge the picture and stare at the red center dot for 10-20 seconds and then look at a blank wall and blink a bunch of times. looks really cool and is an original design made by me.

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