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I like cows, sheep, goats, penguins, dogs, cats, mice, rats, fish, and basically anything else besides humans. Humans i view as inferior beings to animals, their minds thinking more of reward then consequence. Animals have made no Nukes. Animals have waged no wars. Arguing that this supports human superiority is nonsense. you would be aruing that wars and nukes and death and famine are good. I detest overpopulation as much as anyone else, but people are having less and less kids, and politicians are sorting out the majority of world issues. I view animal rights above humans, and once again prefer animals to humans. this whole time i have been catagorizing humans seperately from animals. this is because they do not deserve the honour of belonging to the same group as a fox or a bird. I find i have more in common with animals.


noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust noahthejust