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Current Status: Inactive


myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb

I just love doing hair.... if you need help with any hair styles, just comment what hairstyle you want and post the picture.

myruthb myruthb
myruthb myruthb
Sprite 56850

I only did the clothes and hair... I don't take credit for anymore than that. To see original, keep clicking the "remixed by" button

myruthb myruthb
myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb myruthb