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Hey! Im Dre i dont come on here to much but im getting ready to make more art on here soon my favorite youtubers are flamingo steak and rebooted poppy (when shes not being a bad person)


dandrewatson dandrewatson
fnaf big brother 2.0

i still belive this is the younger version of Michael afton

dandrewatson dandrewatson
dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson
pilot 2.0#2

this is Harolds GF who is 1 week younger then Harold her name is Tonya she is portrayed by a old friend of mine from the 1st grade

dandrewatson dandrewatson
pilot 2.0

so basically pilot means first episode of a show heres my early reel of Harold Anderson a 13 year old who can never win in lifes challenges

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dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson
fnaf 4 nightmare

yea yea i know its gray but stfu i like the gray version of nightmare

dandrewatson dandrewatson
dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson dandrewatson