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Swoop, swoop, swoop


run 0

A running frame to test animations

condor condor

A standing frame used to test Animations

condor condor
condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor
Moogle Background

Background for Catch the Moogle

condor condor

The wall in Catch the Moogle

condor condor

A moogle borrowed from pikachuaudie for a demo game.

condor condor
condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor condor