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I am the VP of design for Hexahedron Games. I use PixieEngine to make sprites.


Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7 Fishman7

A head for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Heliotrope Body

A heliotrope body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Fishman7 Fishman7
Chartreuse Body

A chartreuse body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Navy Body

A navy body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Maroon Body

A maroon body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Cyan Body

A cyan body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Tan Body

A tan body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
White Body

A white body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Grey Body

A grey body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Pink Body

A pink body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Azure Body

An azure body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Black Body

A black body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Brown Body

A brown body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Yellow Body

A yellow body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Purple Body

A purple body for the Unit

Fishman7 Fishman7
Blue Body

A blue body for the Unit

Fishman7 Fishman7
Orange Body

An orange body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7
Red Body

A red body for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7

A leg for the Unit.

Fishman7 Fishman7